november lessons


aries: think before you react, you may not be seeing the whole story. people aren’t always cruel and out to get you. you need to see all sides before developing an opinion.

taurus: breathe and let love in. don’t stay guarded when things feel right. you need to be open to loving and being loved.

gemini: don’t stay in your bubble, branch out. there are endless amounts of people who would love to get to know you if you just stretched outside of your comfort zone. 

cancer: be yourself, unapologetically. you don’t have to change yourself in order for people to love you, or feel like you have to fake a version of yourself in order to be loved.

leo: don’t make yourself feel worse than you have to. things may not be going right, but don’t make yourself endlessly worry. you can’t stop things from happening, but you have control over how you handle them. 

virgo: don’t be so secretive about the things going on in your head. more people care than you think.

libra: watch out for yourself. things aren’t always as they seem and you can’t trust people so easily, especially when your gut is telling you  that something is off.

scorpio: don’t let others water you down. you are intense and passionate in the most magical of ways, it would be a shame to let other people take that from you.

sagittarius: be cautious. don’t make decisions too quickly, make sure you are thinking things through before jumping into something that could change your whole life.

capricorn: embrace change and let the negativity of the past go. you don’t have to live in it forever. 

aquarius: the more you think, the more your mind wanders into places it shouldn’t. remember to take a deep breath and get out of your head when you find yourself wandering too far. 

pisces: if you don’t have hope, you have nothing. don’t ever lose the fire that kept you going in the first place. it will get better. 

Spooky Horoscopes 🎃 🍁 👻


(and other bad advice)

aries: light candles. burn bridges and pumpkin scented candles with the same match. burn all the rotten residue. enjoy life without the hecklers.


when you trick-or-treat, they will say you are too old. you have always been too old. you are old as the earth and it creaks in your bones

gemini: bitter black brew. it is the deadliest poison. drink, drink until you’re sick, until your eyes are sunken in your skull. add sugar and cream first. 

cancer: you can’t keep yourself in the same closet as your skeletons. unless you are a skeleton. if so, sort the bones. find a better place to bury them. 

leo: jump in a pile of leaves. take a moment to sink under the pile, in peace. sink, sink deeper and darker. let the ground take you. make friends there. 

virgo: what’s better than an over-sized sweater? bury yourself in knit cable sweaters. keep knitting. build yourself a cave of comfort. don’t build a way out.

libra: double-cross the monster under your bed. buy bunk beds. tuck them in at night. everything’s a monster with bags under its eyes.

scorpio: bite your tongue. drink the blood. go see a doctor. tear the stitches out and redo them yourself. what, weren’t you going to do that anyway?

sagittarius: you can’t apologize for the beast the full moon made of you. but the one you became during the crescent moon did some fucked up shit bro.

capricorn: take down your hair, take off your glasses, shed your skin, go deep into the woods, lurk in the dark. it’s time there was a monster to fear.

aquarius: cold, cold hands. blue and veined. kiss mysterious girls and average men in doorways. what happens to them after is not of your concern.


some flowers only bloom in the winter. wreath yourself in frost, breathe mist into the air. they never told you ghosts haunt themselves first.

signs as untranslatable foreign words


Aries: Schadenfreude. German – the feeling of pleasure derived by seeing another’s misfortune.

Taurus: Cafuné. Brazilian Portuguese – The act of tenderly running one’s fingers through someone’s hair.

Gemini: Verschlimmbessern. German – to make something worse when trying to improve it.

Cancer: Mamihlapinatapei. Yagan/Tierra del Fuego – The wordless, yet meaningful look shared by two people who both desire to initiate something but are both reluctant to start.

Leo: Kjæreste. Norwegian – A gender neutral term for girlfriend or boyfriend. It literally translates as “dearest”.

Virgo: Wabi-Sabi. Japanese – “a way of living that focuses on finding beauty within the imperfections of life and accepting peacefully the natural cycle of growth and decay.”

Libra: L’ésprit d’escalier. French – is the feeling of finding the perfect retort too late, though it literally translates to “staircase wit.

Scorpio: La douleur exquise. French – the exquisite pain that comes from loving someone who will never love you back.

Sagittarius: Fremdscham. German – Embarrassment you feel on behalf of someone who is too dumb to know they’ve done something they should be embarrassed by.

Capricorn: Geborgenheit. German – the feeling that, when with a certain person or in a certain place, that nothing could ever harm you.

Aquarius: Koev halev. Hebrew – Empathizing with someone else so deeply that it causes your heart to ache.

Pisces: Goya. Urdu – the transporting suspension of disbelief that can occur in a good storytelling.