

Fact: YouTube gaming culture is dumb as fuck. Can Pewdiepie literally just die? Either irl or on YouTube, idgaf. I’m tired of hearing all these dumbass movements to make sure he’s number one. His voice is obnoxious, he has no personality, and he isn’t funny. Get off his dick, he doesn’t actually give a shit about you.

Can’t tag the person who replied to my post and I also can’t see their response, I just have the email saying they replied so you probably won’t see it. You’re just salty that I called out your precious pewds for being a no talent hack with a legion of sycophants. You can come at me all you want because I watch Buzzfeed Unsolved. My stance won’t change. Y’all are the people who will defend him no matter what bullshit he says. If Shane or Ryan said some of the stuff your boy has said you can bet your ass I wouldn’t watch Buzzfeed Unsolved. But you do you, if you want to support a hack that’s up to you. I don’t understand why y’all will go out of your way to defend this mediocre man.


Hanzo Shimada grew up in the biggest crime syndicate in Japan, has killed people (including his own brother), and drinks sake?? And you have the audacity to say he’s a bottom !????? whack


McCree talks to two women: AGGRESSIVELY HETEROSEXUAL

Nevermind that he could be bisexual. Nevermind that him and Ashe could have actually been FRIENDS (even though I’m convinced otherwise). Nevermind that they have a fun little rivalry going on. Nevermind that his conversation with Echo is as far removed from any romantic undertones as possible. Man talks to woman: clearly hetero.

New character: BORING WHITE GIRL

Nevermind she’s a forty-year-old albino rich girl turned street criminal with a massive attitude who founded a gang, united several other gangs under her command, and employs/is friends with an omnic equivalent of Alfred Pennyworth. Nevermind that exactly half of the Overwatch hero roster are women, and out of those fourteen women six are women of color of various ethnicities, six are European, one is an omnic and ONE is a white American. [1]

Nevermind that we also got:

  • An explanation of McCree’s role in Deadlock. Turns out he was one of the founding members! That throws a new light at the Blackwatch recruitment story and actually explains why Reyes might have wanted to recruit him.
  • Finally a short that progresses the story instead of being a flashback, just as we’ve been asking for! We know it’s past Recall and that McCree hasn’t answered it yet (but there’s a hint that he might in the future after he’s sorted out that mysterious business. Could the business be hunting down Reaper?)
  • A fantastic new character. She’s a unique omnic, worked with McCree in the past, clearly cares about him; was she Overwatch or Blackwatch? What was her role? She doesn’t seem to be a fighter type. Could she have been the Blackwatch equivalent of Athena?
  • A confirmation that McCree lost his arm after leaving Overwatch.

“This doesn’t fit my personal headcanon, therefore it’s shit”. This is why we can’t have nice things.

[1] I’ve seen exactly one valid complaint so far: that there’s still no African-American woman. I can understand wanting to see one. I’m sure she will appear eventually. The fact that she does not appear in this short does not mean it’s shit. There’s a lot of ethnicities and nationalities not yet in Overwatch; Blizzard can’t please everyone. This is, after all, a game.