



it’s been 3 days and i can’t stop thinking abt these

You missed the best part, my friend. These are just two photos from a whole book.

Please, enjoy this smattering of beauty and wonder.

These make me so happy

I love all of these, but I am SCREAMING over the last one. 

Those boys are perfect.



soulmate marks where the first thing your soulmate says to you is tattooed on your body, but its something that happens when you MEET them

so you aren’t born with it, it just shows up the first time they speak directly to you, and you may not realize it happened until days after the fact

or maybe you’re at the beach or something and you get to watch as your casual exchange with a stranger LITERALLY SHOWS UP ON THEIR BODY TWO SECONDS AFTER IT LEAVES YOUR MOUTH

idk soulmate marks are so silly I love them

“Hey dick-for-brains, stop stepping all over my goddamn towel!”

“Jesus christ, I’m sorry, I don’t have my glasses on.”

“Oh, uh. I. I’m sorry, no, its my bad, uhm. Do. Uh. N-no hey, wait, can you like seriously not see right now?”

“No, I–why?”

“Where, uh, where’re your glasses at?”

“By…the rest of my shit, is–did–”

“No, its fine, I’m just–I think maybe I should, like, accompany you? Back to them? Because I have something to apologize for that you can’t see just yet–”

“…do I have ‘Dick for brains’ written on my chest right now.”

“Y-yes. Fuck I’m so sorry.”